Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Values in Community

in our community of Guerrero Negro values are transmitted from generation to generation, as in the case of Honesty, this is a very important for the community to be well and feel agusto especially, which slowly in some people are missing, then lately have been more burglaries in both the home and in schools and businesses, even small children say grocery stores, although not all is lost, as there are families in which the values are well simentados and do their best to the community to be better every day being honest from the slightest and insignificant to the most important and this shows that the values are not lost if you do not want.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Honesty is a quality of human quality that is to engage and express the selves coherently and authenticity (ie the truth), according to the values of truth and justice. it is living according to how you think and feel. At its most obvious, honesty can be understood as the simple respect for the truth about the world

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Moral values..

Moral values are all issues that lead men to defend and grow in their dignity as a person, because inevitably the moral lead man to moral good, which we know is whatperfects, complete an improvement.
moral values always refined man as man, good deeds, such a live honestly, tell the thruth and act always thinking, of others, can never contradict the path to perfection.